The Role of Fascia in Animal Health and Mobility

Fascia: The Overlooked Key to Animal Mobility and Health

What is Fascia?

Fascia is a continuous, connective tissue network that surrounds, supports, and integrates every structure in the body, including muscles, bones, nerves, and organs. Once considered an inert wrapping, research now recognises fascia as a dynamic system essential for movement, proprioception, and overall health.

In animals, fascia plays a crucial role in biomechanical function, influencing movement efficiency, force transmission, and structural integrity. It is primarily composed of collagen and elastin fibers, providing both strength and flexibility. Additionally, fascia contains myofibroblasts, specialised cells that allow it to contract, influencing muscle tension and joint stability (Stecco et al., 2018).

The Role of Fascia in Animal Movement

Fascia is not just a passive structure - it actively contributes to motion by:

  • Force Transmission: Fascia distributes mechanical forces across the body, reducing localised stress on muscles and joints. This function is especially important in high-performance animals like racehorses and agility dogs (Schleip et al., 2012).
  • Elastic Energy Storage: Fascia acts like a spring by storing and releasing kinetic energy, which enhances movement efficiency (Wilke et al., 2018).
  • Proprioception: Fascia is richly innervated with sensory receptors, providing essential feedback for body awareness and coordination (Stecco et al., 2011).

In quadrupeds, fascial integrity is essential for maintaining balance, posture, and gait. Dysfunction can lead to stiffness, asymmetry, and reduced performance.

Fascial Dysfunction and Its Effects

When fascia becomes restricted due to injury, overuse, or compensatory movement patterns, it can lead to:

  • Reduced Range of Motion: Tightened fascia limits muscle function and joint mobility.
  • Pain and Sensitivity: Fascial adhesions can compress nerves, causing discomfort (Bordoni & Myers, 2020).
  • Compensatory Strain Patterns: Dysfunction in one area can lead to secondary issues elsewhere in the body.

Veterinary research highlights that myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) - localised areas of tightness in the fascia - are common in horses and dogs with chronic pain or musculoskeletal dysfunction (Shah & Gilliams, 2008). Addressing these restrictions through manual therapy can help restore function.

How Osteopathy Supports Fascial Health

Animal osteopaths may use manual techniques to restore fascial mobility and function, including:

  • Myofascial Release (MFR): A gentle technique applying sustained pressure to reduce adhesions and improve fascial glide. Studies in human and veterinary medicine show MFR can enhance flexibility and reduce pain (Langevin et al., 2009).
  • Craniosacral Therapy: A subtle approach targeting the fascia around the skull and spine to improve nervous system function. This technique is increasingly used in equine rehabilitation (MSD Veterinary Manual).
  • Visceral Manipulation: Addressing fascial restrictions around internal organs, which can impact posture and movement.

By targeting fascial restrictions, osteopathy helps improve movement efficiency, reduce pain, and enhance overall well-being.

Fascia is a vital yet often overlooked component of animal health and mobility. Understanding its role allows practitioners to refine their therapeutic approaches, ensuring optimal movement and function. As research into fascia evolves, so too will its applications in osteopathic and rehabilitative care for animals.


1. Stecco, C., Schleip, R., Yucesoy, C. A., & Gabbiani, G. (2018). The role of fascia in musculoskeletal conditions. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 22(12), 1-10.

2. Schleip, R., Jäger, H., & Klingler, W. (2012). What is ‘fascia’? A review of different nomenclatures and terminology. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 16(4), 496–502.

3. Wilke, J., Krause, F., Vogt, L., & Banzer, W. (2018). What is evidence-based about myofascial chains? A systematic review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 99(6), 1238-1250.

4. Stecco, C., Macchi, V., Porzionato, A., Duparc, F., & De Caro, R. (2011). The fascia: the forgotten structure. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, 116(3), 127-138.

5. Bordoni, B., & Myers, T. (2020). Fascial nomenclature: Update on related disorders. Cureus, 12(4), e7613.

6. Shah, J. P., & Gilliams, E. A. (2008). Uncovering the biochemical milieu of myofascial trigger points using in vivo microdialysis: An application of muscle pain concepts to myofascial pain syndrome. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 12(4), 371-384.

7. Langevin, H. M., Fox, J. R., Koptiuch, C., Badger, G. J., Greenan-Naumann, A. C., Bouffard, N. A., … & Henry, S. M. (2009). Reduced thoracolumbar fascia shear strain in human chronic low back pain. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 10, 151.

8. MSD Veterinary Manual. (n.d.). Manual therapy in veterinary patients.

Blog Post written by:
By Siun Griffin
Animal Physiotherapist and Community Manager at London College of Animal Osteopathy (LCAO).