Special offer: 50% off the regular tuition on Equine, Canine, and Animal Osteopathy diploma programs. Offer is valid until April 15th, 2024.
Special offer: 50% off the regular tuition on Equine, Canine, and Animal Osteopathy diploma programs. Offer is valid until April 15th, 2024.
Special offer: 50% off the regular tuition on Equine, Canine, and Animal Osteopathy diploma programs. Offer is valid until April 15th, 2024.

Selecting your studies

Depending on your professional background, there are different pathways to becoming a certified Equine, Canine, or Animal osteopath.

Our International Diploma programs are tailored for animal professionals and human therapists, including osteopaths, OMTs, RNs, physiotherapists, and others. The Postgraduate Diploma is specifically designed for the DVM/VMD community and offers an accelerated training curriculum.

Hear from Alexandra, graduate of the International Diploma in Animal Osteopathy (Int'l DipAO)
Escuche a Juan, graduado del International Diploma in Equine Osteopathy (Int´l DipEO)

Postgraduate programs for DVM/VMD community offered in English.

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Int´l Diploma programs for animal health professionals and osteopaths offered in English.

Programas de posgrado para la comunidad veterinaria ofrecidos en español.

Programas de Diplomado Internacional para profesionales de salud animal y osteópatas ofrecidos en español.

Opting to pursue a career as an animal osteopath can bring positive outcomes for both you and the animals under your care.
